Sam Hooke

Box2D v3 is released

I was excited today to see that Box2D v3.0 has been released.

Notably, Box2D used to be written in C++, but for v3.0 has switched to C. It would be interesting to see whether it can compile to WASM.1

Another interesting change is support for capsules and rounded polygons2, which I think can be seen in the announcement video @ 1m50s.

Congratulations Erin Catto on the release! 🎉

  1. Comments on HN indicate there may be some challenges due to use of SIMD and multi-threading. ↩︎

  2. On a related note, in the Box2D FAQ on Tile Based Environment, it suggests using b2ChainDef to chain shapes for smooth collisions, which helps avoid objects snagging on box based terrain. It looks like this existed as b2ChainShape in Box2D v2.3.0↩︎