Poetry: Fixing dubious ownership error
All notes in this series:
- (1) Poetry: Fixing dubious ownership error
- (2) Poetry: build.py example
- (3) Poetry: Automatically generate package version from git commit
- (4) Poetry: Fix warning about sources
- (5) Poetry: Running Black and isort with pre-commit hooks
- (6) Poetry: Fixing permission error when upgrading dulwich
- (7) NiceGUI with Click, Poetry, auto-reload and classes
- (8) Poetry: Offline installation of packages
- (9) Run Poetry command as systemd service
- (10) GitLab CI and poetry-dynamic-versioning
- (11) Poetry: install alpha builds
On a Python project using poetry, when running poetry build
I got the error:
Detected Git repository, but failed because of dubious ownership
Though Poetry raises the error, it actually originates from git. Similar “dubious ownership” errors are common with other tools and scenarios.
In my case, it was suitable to fix this by telling git the current directory is safe:
git config --global --add safe.directory $(pwd)
Backlinks §
- GitHub user shadeyg56 has linked back to this page from this auto-cpufreq issue.
- GitHub user amogus07 has linked back to this page from this auto-cpufreq PR.